Friday, July 11, 2008

Got One!

That's right, people... I finally got an iphone!

I was so excited last night, I could barely sleep. My plan was to get there at about 7am to meet up with a friend who was getting his first one, too. The store wasn't going to open until 8am and we thought this would be plenty of time. We were wrong...

I'm pretty sure it was the Holy Spirit that nudged me awake at 4:15am this morning... I laid in bed for quite a while and then finally gave in. I got up, brushed my teeth, threw on some clothes and headed to Starbuck's. They were open!! Got a HUGE coffee and headed over to the store. I arrived at about 6am to find that a line had formed and was already about 30 peeps long. PHEW! Got in line and called my friend. He had to work today and I didn't so I was happy to wait while he slept a little longer.

Long story short, we got our phones and even landed on! Check it out!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Dun, dun, dun...

So, who's getting one of these on friday morning?

I'll be in line WAY before 8am with a great big coffee and maybe a book... : )